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Neuseeland/Christchurch: Leukämie bei Kindern, viele Krebstote, höchste Selbstmordrate

Quelle: Neuseeländische Bürgerinitiativen, Penny Hargreaves

Bürger fordern von der WHO epidemiologische Untersuchungen

Stark erhöhte Krebs- und Selbstmordraten in der Nähe des Ouruhia-Towers und anderer Sender

Nachdem es in der neuseeländischen Stadt Christchurch zu Häufungen bei kindlicher Leukämie, vielen Krebstoten und der höchsten Selbstmordrate in Neuseeland gekommen ist, fordern Bürgerinitiativen jetzt endlich offizielle epidemiologische Untersuchungen im Umfeld von Quellen mit hoher Mikrowellenstrahlung.

Die neuseeländische Regierung hat offizielle Untersuchungen bis jetzt mit einem lapidaren Hinweis auf die "eingehaltenen ICNIRP-Grenzwerte" abgelehnt.

Nachdem die Generaldirektorin der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO, Brundtlandt, kürzlich bekannte, selbst elektrosensibel zu sein, hat sich Penny Hargreaves im Auftrag von Bürgerinitiativen der Stadt Christchurch jetzt in einem Schreiben an Brundlandt gewandt und sofortige Untersuchungen in Christchurch gefordert. Hier der komplette Brief (Englisch):

1 Cranmer Court

33 Kilmore St

Christchurch 1.

New Zealand.

Tel 3770953


25th March 2002

Dear Dr Brundtland,

I  enclose a copy of an email sent to me last week which describes the
symptoms you experience when near a cell phone.   I too suffer from a
similar effect when in the vicinity of cell phones although mine is not
a headache but severe ear ache.  I have never used a cell phone and I
believe my sensitivity has come from long term exposure to FM/AM
transmissions from a radio tower situated 800 metres from my home and
adjacent to my farm. In 1996 I had to move myself, my family and my
animals from my farm as the adverse effects  suffered from were so
bad  it was impossible for us to live there.

 As my health improved I found that I was experiencing severe ear pain,
chest pain, burning skin, feeling as if I had a temperature, and nausea
when I drove  through some neighbourhoods.  I have since found that
those areas are where the FM licences state the main FM power is
directed to in Christchurch.  Research calls my allergic reaction RF
hearing and it is explained in a document we have compiled called
“Hidden Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation from Communication Towers,
Power lines and Cell phones”(HDER) and our web site is

RF hearing comes under pages 37 and 88.  My body reacts adversely to FM
and microwave beams and I can tell you where they are 20 plus kilometres
from the source and in many cases they do not lose their strength.   I
can tell you where a power line is by the buzzing noise but I do not
feel ill under those lines.  I believe the reason why is because that
frequency has not been responsible for my illness. However I do now
react to computers, TV, burglar alarms, lights in   some shopping
centres etc.   I understand the condition I suffer from is called
electromagnetic sensitivity and it makes life very difficult. Most
people cannot understand how ill the reaction from EMR exposure can make
sufferers from this illness feel.

Prior to my RF exposure I did not have a problem in the vicinity of
anything electronic.  I did not feel ill immediately after exposure at
my farm  but over a period of time my health deteriorated dramatically
as did my animals. Later,   I discovered neighbours had similar
problems. When we left the area health improved, when we returned health
deteriorated again.

Utilities may cause different effects in different areas. Our document
cites case stories in the neighbourhood of  power lines near Fishpond in
Dorset where similar illnesses were experienced to those we had at
Ouruhia and Philpotts Rd.  The geology of the land sounded similar with
underground streams and close to the sea with high salt
content.  Operators, and the standards,  do not seem to make allowances
for higher conductivity when siting towers or power lines near people.

You say  ‘you have reservations regarding the possible association of
exposure to cancer’.  I enclose a page  regarding leukaemia cases in
Christchurch.  The areas the children are ill/dead  I find my allergic
reaction is very strong.   Two teenagers have died recently who also
lived where the FM beams were directed to approximately the same
distance from the Ouruhia tower as the school where 3 children are
suffering leukaemia.  These areas  have the  AM towers nearby.

A similar distance from the tower, where I had strong reaction, I am
told there were 7 suicides in 9 months.  This was an area where the FM
frequencies from two towers, Philpotts Rd and Ouruhia seem
to  overlap.    Since the FM has been removed from the Philpotts Rd
tower I do not feel ill in that area and, as far as I am aware, there
have been no more suicides there.  There were many, many, deaths from
cancer in that area.

We have asked the NZ government for a health study but there reply has
always been “NZ are members of the World Health Organisation and  are
unaware of any  adverse health effects within the ICNIRP Standard”

In 1995 the only two babies  born in the Ouruhia area in houses facing
line of sight to the tower both had unusual heart problems. My
neighbours child died at 6 weeks. Research links cardiac problems to
exposure to some frequencies. Most people living near the Ouruhia radio
tower suddenly experienced heart problems when the FM was first
introduced and when the 2nd FM was added. It would be interesting to
know if  other children born with heart problems lived where
frequencies  were directed near, or through their homes.  Refer to page
92 HDER where increased cancer was experienced in buildings in line of

We are currently trying to raise money for an investigation into the
effects of these three radio towers.   We would welcome any contribution
from the World Health Organisation. On page 71 /72   of  HDER you will
read the letter written by Professor Whale requesting a thorough
investigation into the unusual siting of  the FM/AM transmissions.  His
request was ignored.

I sympathise with your reaction to cell phones but I sympathise more
with the Christchurch children suffering leukaemia and their families
and I hope you will participate in a health study here in ChCh.

ChCh has the highest suicide rate in NZ. Depression is one of the
symptoms experienced by people exposed to EMR.  ChCh also has 3 radio
towers at low lying sites close to the population.  The FM transmissions
seem to interfere with cell phone reception therefore where the main FM
power is directed more cell phone towers have to be built which again
increases the electromagnetic smog experienced in these neighbourhoods.

At the moment our primary aim for a health study  would be

For example:-

  a. Addresses where all children with leukaemia live in ChCh and where
     they lived when born.
  b. Similar for children born with heart problems or who develop heart
  c. Where children live who have autism/attention deficit
     syndrome,  and where they were born.
  d. EMR research shows links with epilepsy.   Find out from the support
     groups if there are areas where children have more fits.
  e. Addresses suicides lived at when died.   Addresses where  they
     lived  when first became depressed.

Copies of licences for the last ten years showing where operators direct
their main power and microwave links.      See Dr Cherry’s
recommendations Page 117 no 14.(HDER)

Thankyou for reading this letter and we hope you will be able to support
a health study.

Yours sincerely.    Penny Hargreaves.

To  Dr Brundtland.   Director General of The World Health Organisation

Mehr zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit