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Ouruhia/Neuseeland: Erschütternde Krankenberichte

Quelle: Penny Hargreaves, Neuseeland, 18.01.2003

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Eine neuseeländische Bürgerinitiative berichtet über viele Krankheitsfälle in der Nähe des Ouruhia-Towers, einem großen Rundfunksender. Insbesondere werden viele Herzprobleme berichtet, Häufungen von plötzlichem Herztod während der Feldarbeit, Krebshäufungen, Leukämie, hohe Selbstmordenraten u.a. Der Sender ist seit vielen Jahren in Betrieb, bei Umzug in andere Regionen verschwanden die Symptome häufig.

Penny Hargreaves (wohnte bis zu seinem Umzug 1996 800 Meter vom Sender entfernt) selbst berichtet über Herzprobleme, die nur auftraten, wenn er sich auf der Walnussbaumfarm befand, die offensichtlich hohen Strahlungswerten ausgesetzt war. Derzeit klagt er gegen die Betreiber des Senders vor Gericht.

Er bezeichnet sich selbst inzwischen als hochgradig elektrosensibel. Seine Bürgerinitiative fordert von der WHO eine epidemiologische Untersuchung der Krankheitshäufungen. Da die WHO kürzlich bestätigt hat, dass sie definitiv epidemioloigische Untersuchungen im Umfeld von Rundfunk-, TV- und Mobilfunksendern durchführen wird, ist davon auszugehen, dass auch die Region um den neuseeländischen Ouruhia-Tower in die Untersuchungen einbezogen wird.

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Englischer Originaltext:

Heart Changes experienced at Ouruhia

Penny suffered from pains in chest and heart palpitations when at Walnut Tree Farm 1995/1996. Doctor thought it might be the aftermath of the fractured sternum but the  symptoms only occurred when at the property and two years after the fracture had mended.

Two  horses experienced heart problems after being stabled in the area where “Hot Spots”  were recorded in 1999.

Builder had been working there since 1993 and in 1995 after he had been roofing the house with corrugated iron, he had such bad headaches  could not get out of bed for three days, and his muscles so weak he could not lift a hammer for three months. Iron roof would cause high reflection of the EMR. (see Feucht, Richardson and Hines)

Painter after working on the gutter and roof for a week, 800 metres from the aerial, suffered a major cardiac arrest and was in intensive care for three days.  Has refused to complete the work.

Lizzie Graham, tenant at the farmhouse for the year 2001, experienced  heart palpitations  after she had been working for the day clearing rubbish in front of a metal shed half way up the farm. This is the area where one horse, (Melting) one calf, one cow and one sheep died in an area a few metres apart.

She is a 26 year old very fit physical education teacher and did not normally work at the farm but wanted to clear an area for her horse. She was previously unaware that many people in the area had experienced  heart palpitations after the FM was added to the AM tower.

At Ouruhia in the late 1980’s, after the AM had been transmitting for 9 years, 3 of the men living and working in the area died of heart problems while working in the fields,on or  near tractors. As demonstrated above the would create high reflection areas.  They all died, unexpectedly, while working within 1200 metres of the aerial.  Only 10 people would have been living, and working, in the vicinity of the aerial at that time.

One man died from a heart attack in 1990 while driving his tractor 1000 metres from the aerial

Another, 1200 metres from the aerial, collapsed underneath his tracter while feeding out hay , 1988.

The third died of a heart attack while moving a fence 250 metres from the aerial, 1989

Within a few months of the FM power being increased nearly every person within 1 kilometre of the aerial experienced heart problems, some were severe, several required heart by passes. Two babies born with heart problems.  Both lived in two storey houses line of sight to the radio tower.  My neighbour’ baby died at 6 weeks due to the heart problem.

Overall health also deteriorated rapidly with the increase in transmission.  They included memory loss, depression, changes in behaviour, loss of balance, ear and eye problems, burning skin, skin sores, hair loss, limb pain and swelling, sleeplessness, headaches, asthma, convulsions, changes in blood.  etc

When people move away the symptoms go away, when they return so do the symptoms..  These people were unaware of the increase in power and therefore the symptoms “ are not in the mind” The longer the people have been exposed the worse the symptoms have become ie:- death from heart attack, brain tumours, eye tumour, severe arthritis, serious liver problems, cancer.  These effects have been found in clusters more than 4 kilometres from the transmission tower.

We have been unable to find funding for an in depth health study but changes in health have been recorded by people and documented here.  All have doctors or hospital visits recording their change in health.

This is what each neighbour said, in 1996, had occurred with their health.  The area covered is approx 1000 metres and every house is listed.  These symptoms occurred in the 1990s and become worse since mid 1995.

1. 800metres, approx. south from the aerial:, the only resident was a woman whoin 1995 suffered a complete breakdown of the immune system(was tested for Aids, negative,) aching bones, chronic fatigue, cancer and had ECGs because of severe chest pain but no heart problem evident. She moved from the area July 1996 and is now better.

2. 850 metres; Female has aching bones, bad insomnia, and chronic fatigue. The male has skin cancer and has had heart palpitations.

3.       600 metres south, Male, 31yrs, (local farmer) excellent health until 1996 when investigated thoroughly for exertional breathlessness, no cause could be found.

4. Lady occupant 28yrs, also kept good health until mid 1995 when she visited the doctor 10 times with recurrent sore  throat, sinus infections and mastalgia.

5. Three year old child was healthy until mid 1995, since then has visited the doctor 12 times. With recurrent viral infections and asthma.

6.  Two year old child since mid 1995 has been to the doctor 18 times with recurrent viral infections, asthma and inflammation of the ear.

7. 900 metres, Female, 1996/96 28yrs, has bad headaches and chronic fatigue.

8. Male,30yrs, has chronic fatigue and aching shoulders. They also have a valuable horse with bone and gland problems and the vet cannot find what is wrong with it. (PS when the horse was removed from the property six months later it recovered)

9. 800 metres south, Female has heart problems and in the last year has had a heart by pass. Has aches in her back. The male occupant has severe aching bones in his thighs and cannot sleep without medication.

10. 1200 metres, 1995. The Female has aching bones, breathlessness, chronic fatigue, insomnia. Two teenage children are under medication for asthma which only developed this year.

11. 1000metres, New born baby died of unusual heart condition at six weeks.

12. 700 metres Female (63yrs) rushed to hospital in Oct 1995- totally exhausted, disorientated, an infective exacerbation of bronchiectasis, kept in for a week. Since then she suffers from permanent tiredness, vague, “off in another planet” aching legs, abdominal pain. Very dry mouth. Her health is much better when she is away from home.

13. Husband had a heart attack in 1996.

The pattern of illness on the north west side of the aerial across the Styx River, within  one kilometre from the aerial, was similar.  People with aching bones, chronic fatigue, burning skin, sore eyes and heart problems.

1. 1200metres Male; 42yrs experienced heart and chest pains on 15th August 1995 Into hospital where tests concluded “viral.”

Female; (43yrs) severe wrist pain in Nov 1996 in one wrist.  Six months later the other wrist also “went” which put both wrists completely out of action.

2. approx 700 metres from aerial ; Male; 29yrs, admitted to hospital in Nov 1990 (first FM added then) with high fever, headache, vomiting.  After a week of intensive tests and investigations the Doctors had no conclusions.

3. Female; 35yrs, in 1996 experienced heart and chest pains on and off for 12months. Sent for heart tests and heart OK.  She feels “brain dead when at her home, vacant, like you have had a couple of wines but you have not” When she goes away to work she does not feel “brain dead.” Immune system not good, low resistance, gets everything that is going, flu’s, colds, virus’es, thrush, cystitis, Frequent bouts of nausea(several weeks at a time)stomach pains, diarrhoea Heart palpitations.  Arthritis type ache in knees over past year.  In 1995 developed dry cough asthma like symptoms.told it must be viral.

Female,20s, since moving to the Ouruhia area has experienced skin problems she has not previously had.

4. approx 400 metres; Male, 40s has had a heart by pass within 6 months of moving to Ouruhia area.  No problems previously.

5. approx 700 metres ;Female has bad headaches, aching muscles, has a 30 year old daughter who visits at weekends.  She develops bad headaches after being there a short time Her husband died of cancer in mid 1990s.  Previous occupant died of a heart attack in 1991.

6. approx 600 metres from the aerial;

All four members of this family find it hard to sleep at night, suffer from chronic fatigue and have painful ears.  Ponies have had problems getting in foal and also have serious skin problems with itchiness and hair falling out.

Pony tested by Dr McGrouther (vet) showed unusual blood changes.

7. approx 600metres, Female, now late 40s, began experiencing arthritis early’ 80s  and has now deteriorated so badly she requires a wheelchair. She and daughter experience giardia symptoms in 1996.

8. approx 600 metres from aerial; Male 45yrsn had a precancerous melanoma removed from forehead, insomnia, bone pain in feet. Daughter 18yrs, suffered from sharp pains in her ears for several years, swollen glands and exhaustion. Found it hard to learn new things,. While working horses under the tower found she had tingling in her hands and experienced severe headaches.

9. approx 600 metres. Farm worker left the area in 1993 having developed cancer. Has since died aged 50 years. His wife, (early 40s) has also developed terminal cancer and is still living, in another neighbourhood.

700metres 17 year old son of the farmer died of melanoma, in 1985.  He spent many hours working on the farm which is open land, line of sight to the aerial.

 33 year old woman worked teaching riding within 400 metres of the tower died of ovarian cancer in 1993. She lived 600 metres from the tower.

The following research demonstrates that people near electromagnetic fields are three times more likely to die from cardio vascular conditions than those unexposed.

Beischer and et al. 1973, Beischer and his colleagues at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute at Pensacola, Florida, published research results which found that 9 out of 10 Navy volunteers who had been exposed to an alternating magnetic field of 45 Hz and 100 uT had shown a rapid build up of serum triglycerides, an accepted warning of potential heart problems.

“ Electromagnetic fields may damage Hearts January 1999, Science News Issue”

“Men who worked in the presence of high electromagnetic fields (EMF) were up to three times more likely to die from heart attacks and several other cardio-vascular conditions as were their colleagues who had far smaller EMF exposures.  The observations emerge from a re analysis of information collected during a 3 year study of almost 140,000 electric utility workers.  EMF's are invisible lines of force that surround all electric devices and wiring.  Their strength increases with current running through the devices or wires.

 Though high EMF's, especially their magnetic components can promote the growth of cancer in laboratory animals (S.N.1/10/98 p.29) and some evidence links them to cancer in people (S.N.  6/.3o/90 p404) little attention had been paid to whether they might affect the heart.  Last year, however, Antonio Sastre and his co workers at the Midwest Research Institute in Kansas City, Mo, published experimental data showing that 8 hour exposures to intermittent 60 Hz fields altered heartbeat variability in healthy men.

Everyone’s heart rate changes slightly from beat to beat, reflecting fine tuning by the nervous system in response to respiration and other factors, explains Sastre a cardiovascular physiologist.  Yet the magnitude of variance can differ dramatically between individuals, he notes.  Even when two people each have a heart beat averaging 60 beats per minute (bpm) the heart rate of one might vary from 59 to 61bpm, while another’s swings broadly from 50 to 70bpm.

Several studies have shown that low heart rate variability correlates with a higher than normal risk of heart attacks and certain other heart conditions, particularly when the slowing occurs in the component of heart rate known as the low spectral band.  In the February 1998, ‘Bio-electromagnetics,’ Sastre’s team reported a slowing in the low spectral band among men exposed to magnetic fields that cycle on and off every 15 seconds for an hour at a time.

When David Savitz, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, learned of the finding he invited Sastre to help him sift through data on heart disease deaths within the large group of electrical workers. The two researchers and their team now report that compared with men who worked in low EMF jobs, men in trades exposed to high EMF, such as linemen and power plant operators, were far more likely to have died from heart attacks and heart conditions related to abnormal rhythms or arrhythmias.

Moreover, risk or death from these conditions climbed as average EMF exposure increased.  Savitz notes that men in the highest group tended to have worked in EMF at least twice as high as those that people typically encounter in their homes.”

Non Thermal Action of Microwaves on Cardiac Rhythm

A.S.  Presman and N.A.Levitina Central Scientific Research Institute of Health Resort Treatment and Physiotheraphy, Moscow report:-

“The non-thermal action of microwaves on the heart rate was first found in investigations into the working condition and health of personnel operating microwave generators.  A.A.  Orlova showed that prolonged action of microwaves of non-thermal intensity (less than 10mw/cm2) induces bradycardia in a considerable portion of subjects studied.-

 N.V.  Tyagin found that a change in the heart rate in dogs under the influence of microwaves of 5-10watts /cm2 was induced by either chronic irradiation or irradiation for 30 minutes.  However, although in some dogs the heart rate was slowed, in others it was increased, and in some cases it was alternately speeded and slowed.

Up till now only very general suggestions have been made concerning the non-thermal action of microwaves.  Thus A.A.Orlova and N.V.  Tyagin consider that the changes of the heart rate result from reflex action of the microwaves, although they do not exclude the possibility of some direct action of the waves on the nervous conductors or on the autonomous action of the heart and vessels.

To explain the action of the microwaves in slowing the heart, we must note that the effect was produced directly during the irradiation of various parts of the body.


The experiments were carried out on 8 male rabbits each weighing 3 – 3.5 kg.  Each animal was irradiated 12 to 13 times for 20 minutes.  In all the experiments the intensity was 7 –12 mw/cm2.

Irradiation of various parts of the rabbit body by microwaves of x=12.5cm at an intensity below the thermal level (7-12mw/cm2) influenced the sinus rhythm.  This chronotropic effect of the microwaves was observed during the 20 minutes of irradiation and for 10 minutes immediately after it.  The irradiation of the ventral parts of the body slowed the heart, and irradiation of the dorsal part of the head speeded it.  It is suggested that the effect observed was the result of reflex autonomic reactions provoked by the direct action of the microwaves on the superficial reflex autonomic reactions provoked by the direct action of the microwaves on the superficial reflexogenous zones, and that the effect from irradiation of the head was produced by action on brain cells.


Tenforde and Kaune 1987; “Time varying magnetic fields that induce current densities above 1 A m-² in tissue lead to neural excitation and are capable of producing irreversible biological effects such as cardiac fibrillation”

Reilly 1989  “The duration of the magnetic stimulus has also been found to be an important parameter in stimulation of excitable tissues”

EMR exposure effects on Heart
Allan H. Frey Modern Bioelectricity:- health hazards of Electromagnetic Energy, Page 791.

“The last major theme of my 1960’ experimentation concerned heart function.  The isolated frog heart, stripped of its neural and hormonal buffers systems, was exposed to RF radiation.  It was found that the heart was responsive to RF radiation when the pulses were synchronized with certain phases of the heart cycle.  When the RF pulse occurred about the time the QRS complex occurred, the beat rate increased.  In half the cases arrhythmias occurred, and occasionally the heart ceased beating after a period of arrhythmia.  No such effect occurred when the heart was illuminated at earlier points of the cycle.

Lords et al.  exposed isolated turtle hearts to RF fields using CW exposure.  They found they could induce a bradycardia. They suggested the effect might be due to the stimulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve remnants in the turtle hearts.

Tinney et al. In a follow up experiment  found that over a narrow power range there was apparent stimulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve remnants which could increase or decrease the heart rate, respectively.

Galvin et al reported that RF radiation induced alteration in the cardiac cell membrane.

Schwartz et al.   show RF fields with certain modulations will significantly increase calcium efflux from the heart.

Small changes in cardiac function occurred in human volunteers exposed to combined 60Hz electric fields and magnetic fields (9kV m¹ 20µT) (Cook et al, 1992; Graham et al 1994) Resting heart rate was slightly but significantly, reduced (by 3-5 beats per minute) during or immediately after exposure.  This response was absent on exposure to stronger (12kV m¹ 30µT) or weaker 6kVm-¹, 10µT) fields and reduced if the subject was mentally alert.


Frey, A.H., and Siefert, E., Pulse modulated UHF energy illumination of the heart associated with change in heart rate, Life

Graham, C, Cook, M.R, Cohen, H.D, & Gerkovich, M.M.  “Dose response study of human exposure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields.”  Bioelectromagnetics, 15, 447-463, 1994.

Kloss, D.A.  and Carstensen, E.L.  , Effects of ELF Electric fields on the isolated frog heart, IEEE Trans.  Biomed.  Eng.  BME –30,347-348, 1983 Galvin, M.HJ., Hall, C.A.  and McRee, D.I.,

Olsen, R.G.  Lords, J.L.  and Durney, C.H.  , Microwaves induced chronotropic effects on the isolated rat heart, Ann.  Biomed.  Eng.  5, 395-409,1977.

Olsen, R.G., Durney, C.H.  Lords, J.L.  and Johnson, C.C., Low level microwave interaction with isolated mammalian hearts, in Microwave Power Symposium 1975 Proceedings, International Power Institute, Ontario, Canada, 76-78, 1975

Presman, A.S, and Levitina, N.A.,  “Non Thermal Action of Microwaves on Cardiac Rhythm,” Central Scientific Research Institute of Health Resort Treatment and Physiotherapy, Moscow.  Presented by Active Member, AMN SSSR V.V.  Parin.  Translated from Byulletnen’Eksperimental’noi Biologii I Meditsiny, Vol, 53,no, 1 pp.41-44, Jan 1962.

Tenforde, T.S, Kaune, W.T.,  “Interaction of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields with humans.”  Health Phys, 53, 585-606,  1987.

Tenforde, T.S., “Biological interactions of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields.” Bioelectrochem.  Bioenerg, 25,1-17, 1991.

Tenforde, T.S.,  “Interaction of ELF Magnetic fields with living systems.”

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